Module licenseware.app_builder.data_sync_namespace.data_sync_namespace

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from marshmallow import Schema
from flask_restx import Namespace

from licenseware.mongodata import mongodata
from licenseware.common.constants import envs
from licenseware.decorators.auth_decorators import machine_check
from licenseware.schema_namespace import MongoCrud, SchemaNamespace

class MongoDataSync(MongoCrud):
    def __init__(self, schema: Schema, collection: str):
        self.schema = schema
        self.collection = collection

    def get_data(self, flask_request):
        tenant = flask_request.headers.get("TenantId")
        if not tenant:
            raise Exception("TenantId header is required")

        query = self.get_query(flask_request)
        coll = mongodata.get_collection(self.collection)
        return list(coll.find(query))

class DataSyncRoute(SchemaNamespace):

        Create a data sync endpoint with machine authorization.
        Receives a schema and a collection name as optional (it will use mongo data collection by default)
        Only implements the get_data functionality of MongoCrud (read-only)
        Requires a TenantId header along with the machine authorization


    def __init__(self, ns: Namespace, schema: Schema, collection_name: str = None):
        self.collection=collection_name or envs.MONGO_COLLECTION_DATA_NAME
        self.namespace = ns

def get_data_sync_namespace(ns: Namespace, data_sync_schema: Schema):

    class DataSyncSchema(data_sync_schema):

    collection_name = None
    if hasattr(data_sync_schema, 'Meta'):
        if hasattr(data_sync_schema.Meta, 'mongo_collection_name'):
            collection_name = data_sync_schema.Meta.mongo_collection_name

    ns = DataSyncRoute(ns, DataSyncSchema, collection_name).initialize()

    return ns


def get_data_sync_namespace(ns: flask_restx.namespace.Namespace, data_sync_schema: marshmallow.schema.Schema)
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def get_data_sync_namespace(ns: Namespace, data_sync_schema: Schema):

    class DataSyncSchema(data_sync_schema):

    collection_name = None
    if hasattr(data_sync_schema, 'Meta'):
        if hasattr(data_sync_schema.Meta, 'mongo_collection_name'):
            collection_name = data_sync_schema.Meta.mongo_collection_name

    ns = DataSyncRoute(ns, DataSyncSchema, collection_name).initialize()

    return ns


class DataSyncRoute (ns: flask_restx.namespace.Namespace, schema: marshmallow.schema.Schema, collection_name: str = None)

Create a data sync endpoint with machine authorization. Receives a schema and a collection name as optional (it will use mongo data collection by default) Only implements the get_data functionality of MongoCrud (read-only) Requires a TenantId header along with the machine authorization

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class DataSyncRoute(SchemaNamespace):

        Create a data sync endpoint with machine authorization.
        Receives a schema and a collection name as optional (it will use mongo data collection by default)
        Only implements the get_data functionality of MongoCrud (read-only)
        Requires a TenantId header along with the machine authorization


    def __init__(self, ns: Namespace, schema: Schema, collection_name: str = None):
        self.collection=collection_name or envs.MONGO_COLLECTION_DATA_NAME
        self.namespace = ns


Inherited members

class MongoDataSync (schema: marshmallow.schema.Schema, collection: str)

In this class we are defining basic crud operations to mongodb

All methods must use staticmethod decorator

Create indexes will assume simple_indexes are not unique and compound_indexes are unique. Indexes are provided on serializer metadata (simple_indexes, compound_indexes).

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class MongoDataSync(MongoCrud):
    def __init__(self, schema: Schema, collection: str):
        self.schema = schema
        self.collection = collection

    def get_data(self, flask_request):
        tenant = flask_request.headers.get("TenantId")
        if not tenant:
            raise Exception("TenantId header is required")

        query = self.get_query(flask_request)
        coll = mongodata.get_collection(self.collection)
        return list(coll.find(query))



def get_data(self, flask_request)
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def get_data(self, flask_request):
    tenant = flask_request.headers.get("TenantId")
    if not tenant:
        raise Exception("TenantId header is required")

    query = self.get_query(flask_request)
    coll = mongodata.get_collection(self.collection)
    return list(coll.find(query))