Module licenseware.app_builder.features_namespace.features_namespace

Notice we are using build_restx_model function to generate the swagger body required for the request. Notice also the separation of creating the resource and the given namespace.

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Notice we are using `build_restx_model` function to generate the swagger body required for the request. 
Notice also the separation of creating the resource and the given namespace. 


from typing import List
from flask import request
from flask_restx import Namespace, Resource, fields

from licenseware.decorators import failsafe
from licenseware.decorators.auth_decorators import authorization_check
from licenseware.utils.logger import log

from licenseware.feature_builder import FeatureBuilder

def create_feature_resource(feature: FeatureBuilder):
    class Feature(Resource):

        def get(self):
            return feature.get_status(request)

        def post(self):
            return feature.update_status(request)

    return Feature

def get_features_namespace(ns: Namespace, features: List[FeatureBuilder]):

    update_feature_status_model = ns.model('update_feature_status', dict(

    docs = {
        'get': {
            'description': 'Get feature details',
            'responses': {
                200: """\
Example response: 

        "name": "Product Requests",
        "tenant_id": "0be6c669-ab99-41e9-9d88-753a8fcc4cf8",
        "access_levels": [
        "activated": true,
        "app_id": "plugins",
        "description": "Allow users request products by sending emails",
        "feature_id": "product_requests_feature",
        "monthly_quota": 10,
        "monthly_quota_consumed": 2,
        "quota_reset_date": "2022-03-16T08:18:20.713437"

                403: 'Missing `Tenantid` or `Authorization` information',
                500: 'Something went wrong while handling the request'
        'post': {
            'description': 'Set feature status',
            'validate': True,
            'expect': [update_feature_status_model],
            'responses': {
                200: 'Feature activated/deactivated',
                403: 'Missing `Tenantid` or `Authorization` information',
                500: 'Something went wrong while handling the request'

    for feature in features:
        FeatureRes = create_feature_resource(feature)

        FeatureRes.__apidoc__ = docs

        FeatureResource = type(
            feature.feature_id.replace("_", "").capitalize() + 'Feature',

        ns.add_resource(FeatureResource, feature.feature_path)

    return ns


def create_feature_resource(feature: FeatureBuilder)
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def create_feature_resource(feature: FeatureBuilder):
    class Feature(Resource):

        def get(self):
            return feature.get_status(request)

        def post(self):
            return feature.update_status(request)

    return Feature
def get_features_namespace(ns: flask_restx.namespace.Namespace, features: List[FeatureBuilder])
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def get_features_namespace(ns: Namespace, features: List[FeatureBuilder]):

    update_feature_status_model = ns.model('update_feature_status', dict(

    docs = {
        'get': {
            'description': 'Get feature details',
            'responses': {
                200: """\
Example response: 

        "name": "Product Requests",
        "tenant_id": "0be6c669-ab99-41e9-9d88-753a8fcc4cf8",
        "access_levels": [
        "activated": true,
        "app_id": "plugins",
        "description": "Allow users request products by sending emails",
        "feature_id": "product_requests_feature",
        "monthly_quota": 10,
        "monthly_quota_consumed": 2,
        "quota_reset_date": "2022-03-16T08:18:20.713437"

                403: 'Missing `Tenantid` or `Authorization` information',
                500: 'Something went wrong while handling the request'
        'post': {
            'description': 'Set feature status',
            'validate': True,
            'expect': [update_feature_status_model],
            'responses': {
                200: 'Feature activated/deactivated',
                403: 'Missing `Tenantid` or `Authorization` information',
                500: 'Something went wrong while handling the request'

    for feature in features:
        FeatureRes = create_feature_resource(feature)

        FeatureRes.__apidoc__ = docs

        FeatureResource = type(
            feature.feature_id.replace("_", "").capitalize() + 'Feature',

        ns.add_resource(FeatureResource, feature.feature_path)

    return ns