Module licenseware.cli.cli

Here all cli functions are gathered and decorated with typer app decorator.

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Here all cli functions are gathered and decorated with typer app decorator.

import os
import time
import shutil
import typer
from .utils import get_env_value, get_random_int
from .app_pkg_creator import AppPackageCreator
from .restx_controller_creator import RestxControllerCreator
from .devops_creator import DevOpsCreator
from .app_root_files_creator import AppRootFilesCreator
from .uploader_creator import UploaderCreator
from .report_creator import ReportCreator
from .report_component_creator import ReportComponentCreator
from .test_creator import TestCreator
from .unittest_file_creator import UnittestFileCreator

app = typer.Typer(
    name="Licenseware CLI",
    Useful CLI commands for automatic files/folders/code creation

def new_app(app_id: str):
        Create the base package for a service 
    typer.echo("App files/folders created")

def new_controller(controller_name: str):
        Given controller_name create a new flask restx controller 
        Imports and registration will be handled automatically

    typer.echo(f"RestX Controller `{controller_name}` created")

def new_unittest(test_name: str):
        Given test_name create a new unittest for pytest
        It will create also a folder for test files

    typer.echo(f"Unittest `{test_name}` created")
def new_uploader(uploader_id: str):
        Given uploader_id build a new uploader 
        The package structure for the uploader will be created, imports and registration will be handled also.
    typer.echo(f"Uploader `{uploader_id}` created")
def new_report(report_id: str):
        Given report_id build a new report 
        The package structure for the report will be created, imports and registration will be handled also.

    typer.echo(f"Report `{report_id}` created")
def new_report_component(component_id: str, component_type: str):
        Given component_id and component_type build a new report component 

        Some component types are:
        - summary
        - pie
        - bar_vertical
        - table
        The package structure for the report component will be created, imports and registration will be handled manually.
    ReportComponentCreator(component_id, component_type).create()
    typer.echo(f"Report component `{component_id}` of type `{component_type}` created")

def recreate_files():
    """ Recreate files that are needed but missing  """

    app_id = get_env_value("APP_ID")
    typer.echo("Inexisting files were recreated")

def build_docs():
        Build app html docs
    os.system("pdoc --html --output-dir app-docs app")
    timeout = 10
    count = 0
    while not os.path.exists("app-docs/app"):
        count += 1
        if count >= timeout:
            raise Exception("Make sure pdoc is installed and app package is available")
    if os.path.exists("docs"): shutil.rmtree("docs")
    shutil.move("app-docs/app", "docs")


def build_sdk_docs():
        Build licenseware sdk html docs
    os.system("pdoc --html --output-dir sdk-docs licenseware")
    timeout = 10
    count = 0
    while not os.path.exists("sdk-docs/licenseware"):
        count += 1
        if count >= timeout:
            raise Exception("Make sure pdoc is installed and licenseware package is available")
    if os.path.exists("docs"): shutil.rmtree("docs")
    shutil.move("sdk-docs/licenseware", "docs")

def create_tests(test_email: str = None, swagger_url: str = None):
        Create tests from swagger docs

        Command example:
        >> licenseware create-tests --swagger-url=http://localhost:5000/integration/swagger.json

        >> licenseware create-tests

        On the second command defaults will we used


    if swagger_url is None:
        base_url = get_env_value("APP_HOST")
        swagger_url = base_url + '/' + get_env_value("APP_ID") + "/swagger.json"

    if test_email is None:
        test_email = f"alin+{get_random_int()}"

    typer.echo(f"Generating tests for '{test_email}' from '{swagger_url}'")

    tg = TestCreator(swagger=swagger_url, email=test_email)


    typer.echo("Tests generated! Checkout `tests` folder!")


def build_docs()

Build app html docs

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def build_docs():
        Build app html docs
    os.system("pdoc --html --output-dir app-docs app")
    timeout = 10
    count = 0
    while not os.path.exists("app-docs/app"):
        count += 1
        if count >= timeout:
            raise Exception("Make sure pdoc is installed and app package is available")
    if os.path.exists("docs"): shutil.rmtree("docs")
    shutil.move("app-docs/app", "docs")
def build_sdk_docs()

Build licenseware sdk html docs

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def build_sdk_docs():
        Build licenseware sdk html docs
    os.system("pdoc --html --output-dir sdk-docs licenseware")
    timeout = 10
    count = 0
    while not os.path.exists("sdk-docs/licenseware"):
        count += 1
        if count >= timeout:
            raise Exception("Make sure pdoc is installed and licenseware package is available")
    if os.path.exists("docs"): shutil.rmtree("docs")
    shutil.move("sdk-docs/licenseware", "docs")
def create_tests(test_email: str = None, swagger_url: str = None)

Create tests from swagger docs

Command example:

licenseware create-tests – –swagger-url=http://localhost:5000/integration/swagger.json


licenseware create-tests

On the second command defaults will we used

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def create_tests(test_email: str = None, swagger_url: str = None):
        Create tests from swagger docs

        Command example:
        >> licenseware create-tests --swagger-url=http://localhost:5000/integration/swagger.json

        >> licenseware create-tests

        On the second command defaults will we used


    if swagger_url is None:
        base_url = get_env_value("APP_HOST")
        swagger_url = base_url + '/' + get_env_value("APP_ID") + "/swagger.json"

    if test_email is None:
        test_email = f"alin+{get_random_int()}"

    typer.echo(f"Generating tests for '{test_email}' from '{swagger_url}'")

    tg = TestCreator(swagger=swagger_url, email=test_email)


    typer.echo("Tests generated! Checkout `tests` folder!")
def new_app(app_id: str)

Create the base package for a service

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def new_app(app_id: str):
        Create the base package for a service 
    typer.echo("App files/folders created")
def new_controller(controller_name: str)

Given controller_name create a new flask restx controller Imports and registration will be handled automatically

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def new_controller(controller_name: str):
        Given controller_name create a new flask restx controller 
        Imports and registration will be handled automatically

    typer.echo(f"RestX Controller `{controller_name}` created")
def new_report(report_id: str)

Given report_id build a new report

The package structure for the report will be created, imports and registration will be handled also.

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def new_report(report_id: str):
        Given report_id build a new report 
        The package structure for the report will be created, imports and registration will be handled also.

    typer.echo(f"Report `{report_id}` created")
def new_report_component(component_id: str, component_type: str)

Given component_id and component_type build a new report component

Some component types are: - summary - pie - bar_vertical - table

The package structure for the report component will be created, imports and registration will be handled manually.

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def new_report_component(component_id: str, component_type: str):
        Given component_id and component_type build a new report component 

        Some component types are:
        - summary
        - pie
        - bar_vertical
        - table
        The package structure for the report component will be created, imports and registration will be handled manually.
    ReportComponentCreator(component_id, component_type).create()
    typer.echo(f"Report component `{component_id}` of type `{component_type}` created")
def new_unittest(test_name: str)

Given test_name create a new unittest for pytest It will create also a folder for test files

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def new_unittest(test_name: str):
        Given test_name create a new unittest for pytest
        It will create also a folder for test files

    typer.echo(f"Unittest `{test_name}` created")
def new_uploader(uploader_id: str)

Given uploader_id build a new uploader

The package structure for the uploader will be created, imports and registration will be handled also.

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def new_uploader(uploader_id: str):
        Given uploader_id build a new uploader 
        The package structure for the uploader will be created, imports and registration will be handled also.
    typer.echo(f"Uploader `{uploader_id}` created")
def recreate_files()

Recreate files that are needed but missing

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def recreate_files():
    """ Recreate files that are needed but missing  """

    app_id = get_env_value("APP_ID")
    typer.echo("Inexisting files were recreated")