Module licenseware.endpoint_builder.endpoint_builder
Bellow is an example on how you can use the endpoint builder
from flask import request
from licenseware import mongodata
from licenseware.endpoint_builder import EndpointBuilder
# Specify the http method
def get_detected_uploaders(): # a function that takes no parameters
event_id = request.args.get("event_id")
tenant_id = request.headers.get("Tenantid")
results = mongodata.fetch(
'tenant_id': tenant_id,
'event_id': event_id
return results
# Declare the swagger docs in a dict (if needed)
swagger_docs = {
'get': {
'description': 'Get detected uploaders for the app provided',
'params': {
'event_id': { 'description': 'The uuid4 received on when filenames were sent to uploader detector' }
'responses': {
200: 'Success',
403: 'Missing `Tenantid` or `Authorization` information',
500: 'Something went wrong while handling the request'
# Instantiate the EndpointBuilder class
get_detected_uploaders_endpoint = EndpointBuilder(
handler = get_detected_uploaders,
swagger = swagger_docs
# Later register it to the main App
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Bellow is an example on how you can use the endpoint builder
from flask import request
from licenseware import mongodata
from licenseware.endpoint_builder import EndpointBuilder
# Specify the http method
def get_detected_uploaders(): # a function that takes no parameters
event_id = request.args.get("event_id")
tenant_id = request.headers.get("Tenantid")
results = mongodata.fetch(
'tenant_id': tenant_id,
'event_id': event_id
return results
# Declare the swagger docs in a dict (if needed)
swagger_docs = {
'get': {
'description': 'Get detected uploaders for the app provided',
'params': {
'event_id': { 'description': 'The uuid4 received on when filenames were sent to uploader detector' }
'responses': {
200: 'Success',
403: 'Missing `Tenantid` or `Authorization` information',
500: 'Something went wrong while handling the request'
# Instantiate the EndpointBuilder class
get_detected_uploaders_endpoint = \
handler = get_detected_uploaders,
swagger = swagger_docs
# Later register it to the main App
import inspect
from typing import Any
from flask_restx import Namespace, Resource
from licenseware.utils.miscellaneous import http_methods
from licenseware.utils.logger import log
from licenseware.schema_namespace import SchemaNamespace
class EndpointBuilder:
from licenseware.endpoint_builder import EndpointBuilder
index_endpoint = EndpointBuilder(
handler = get_some_data,
- handler: function or schema
- options: provided as a quick had for extending functionality, once one options param is stable it can be added to params
def __init__(
handler: Any,
swagger:dict = None,
http_method:str = None,
http_path:str = None,
self.handler = handler
self.options = options
self.apidoc = swagger
self.http_method = http_method
self.http_path = http_path
self.doc_id = handler.__name__.replace('_', ' ')
self.doc_description = handler.__doc__
def build_namespace(self, ns: Namespace):
if inspect.isfunction(self.handler):
ns = self.add_method_to_namespace(ns)
return ns
if '_Schema__apply_nested_option' in dir(self.handler):
schema_ns = SchemaNamespace(
schema = self.handler,
collection = self.handler.Meta.collection_name,
namespace = ns
return schema_ns
raise Exception("Parameter `handler` can be only a function or a marshmellow schema")
def initialize(self):
def add_method_to_namespace(self, ns):
if self.apidoc:
class BaseResource(Resource): ...
BaseResource.__apidoc__ = self.apidoc
class BaseResource(Resource): ...
CResource = type(
self.handler.__name__ + self.http_method.capitalize(),
{self.http_method.lower(): lambda _ : self.handler()}
ns.add_resource(CResource, self.http_path)
return ns
def set_http_path(self):
if self.http_path: return
self.http_path = '/' + "_".join(self.handler.__name__.lower().split('_')[1:])
def set_http_method(self):
if self.http_method: return
handler_name = self.handler.__name__.upper()
for httpmethod in http_methods:
if handler_name.startswith(httpmethod):
self.http_method = httpmethod
class EndpointBuilder (handler: Any, swagger: dict = None, http_method: str = None, http_path: str = None, **options)
from licenseware.endpoint_builder import EndpointBuilder
index_endpoint = EndpointBuilder( handler = get_some_data, **options )
- handler: function or schema
- options: provided as a quick had for extending functionality, once one options param is stable it can be added to params
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class EndpointBuilder: """ Usage: from licenseware.endpoint_builder import EndpointBuilder index_endpoint = EndpointBuilder( handler = get_some_data, **options ) Params: - handler: function or schema - options: provided as a quick had for extending functionality, once one options param is stable it can be added to params """ def __init__( self, handler: Any, swagger:dict = None, http_method:str = None, http_path:str = None, **options ): self.handler = handler self.options = options self.apidoc = swagger self.http_method = http_method self.http_path = http_path self.doc_id = handler.__name__.replace('_', ' ') self.doc_description = handler.__doc__ self.initialize() def build_namespace(self, ns: Namespace): if inspect.isfunction(self.handler): ns = self.add_method_to_namespace(ns) return ns if '_Schema__apply_nested_option' in dir(self.handler): schema_ns = SchemaNamespace( schema = self.handler, collection = self.handler.Meta.collection_name, namespace = ns ).initialize() return schema_ns raise Exception("Parameter `handler` can be only a function or a marshmellow schema") def initialize(self): self.set_http_method() self.set_http_path() def add_method_to_namespace(self, ns): if self.apidoc: class BaseResource(Resource): ... BaseResource.__apidoc__ = self.apidoc else: @ns.doc( id=self.doc_id, description=self.doc_description ) class BaseResource(Resource): ... CResource = type( self.handler.__name__ + self.http_method.capitalize(), (BaseResource,), {self.http_method.lower(): lambda _ : self.handler()} ) ns.add_resource(CResource, self.http_path) return ns def set_http_path(self): if self.http_path: return self.http_path = '/' + "_".join(self.handler.__name__.lower().split('_')[1:]) def set_http_method(self): if self.http_method: return handler_name = self.handler.__name__.upper() for httpmethod in http_methods: if handler_name.startswith(httpmethod): self.http_method = httpmethod break
def add_method_to_namespace(self, ns)
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def add_method_to_namespace(self, ns): if self.apidoc: class BaseResource(Resource): ... BaseResource.__apidoc__ = self.apidoc else: @ns.doc( id=self.doc_id, description=self.doc_description ) class BaseResource(Resource): ... CResource = type( self.handler.__name__ + self.http_method.capitalize(), (BaseResource,), {self.http_method.lower(): lambda _ : self.handler()} ) ns.add_resource(CResource, self.http_path) return ns
def build_namespace(self, ns: flask_restx.namespace.Namespace)
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def build_namespace(self, ns: Namespace): if inspect.isfunction(self.handler): ns = self.add_method_to_namespace(ns) return ns if '_Schema__apply_nested_option' in dir(self.handler): schema_ns = SchemaNamespace( schema = self.handler, collection = self.handler.Meta.collection_name, namespace = ns ).initialize() return schema_ns raise Exception("Parameter `handler` can be only a function or a marshmellow schema")
def initialize(self)
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def initialize(self): self.set_http_method() self.set_http_path()
def set_http_method(self)
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def set_http_method(self): if self.http_method: return handler_name = self.handler.__name__.upper() for httpmethod in http_methods: if handler_name.startswith(httpmethod): self.http_method = httpmethod break
def set_http_path(self)
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def set_http_path(self): if self.http_path: return self.http_path = '/' + "_".join(self.handler.__name__.lower().split('_')[1:])