Module licenseware.mongodata.mongitadata
>>> from mongita import MongitaClientDisk
>>> client = MongitaClientDisk()
>>> hello_world_db = client.hello_world_db
>>> mongoose_collection = hello_world_db.mongoose_collection
>>> mongoose_collection.insert_many([{'name': 'Meercat', 'does_not_eat': 'Snakes'},
{'name': 'Yellow mongoose', 'eats': 'Termites'}])
<mongita.results.InsertManyResult object at 0x000000000>
>>> mongoose_collection.count_documents({})
>>> mongoose_collection.update_one({'name': 'Meercat'}, {'$set': {"weight": 2}})
<mongita.results.UpdateResult object at 00000000000>
>>> mongoose_collection.find({'weight': {'$gt': 1}})
<mongita.cursor.Cursor object at 00000000000>
>>> list(mongoose_collection.find({'weight': {'$gt': 1}}))
[{'_id': 'a1b2c3d4e5f6', 'name': 'Meercat', 'does_not_eat': 'Snakes', 'weight': 2}]
>>> mongoose_collection.delete_one({'name': 'Meercat'})
<mongita.results.DeleteResult object at 00000000000>
Abstraction and validation of inserted data in mongodb
from licenseware import mongodata or from licenseware import mongodata as m
Available functions: - get_collection - insert - fetch - update - delete - aggregate - delete - delete_collection - document_count
Needs the following environment variables: - MONGO_DATABASE_NAME - MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING - MONGO_COLLECTION_NAME (optional)
For pagination make sure to include the special field __pagination__
on match
parameter like bellow:
results = mongodata.fetch(
"__pagination__": {
"limit": 20,
"skip": 0
- is the mongo limit;skip
- is the mongo skip;
Start with skip
value 0 and increase that value on each iteration.
If __pagination__
is not found on match pagination will not be applied.
You can also use for pagination limit
and skip
paramters provided by the fetch function.
This would be the first iteration:
skip = 0
results = mongodata.fetch(
limit = 20,
skip = skip,
skip += len(results)
This would be the second iteration:
results = mongodata.fetch(
limit = 20,
skip = skip,
skip += len(results)
And the same is for the next iterations until len(results)
is 0.
Expand source code
>>> from mongita import MongitaClientDisk
>>> client = MongitaClientDisk()
>>> hello_world_db = client.hello_world_db
>>> mongoose_collection = hello_world_db.mongoose_collection
>>> mongoose_collection.insert_many([{'name': 'Meercat', 'does_not_eat': 'Snakes'},
{'name': 'Yellow mongoose', 'eats': 'Termites'}])
<mongita.results.InsertManyResult object at 0x000000000>
>>> mongoose_collection.count_documents({})
>>> mongoose_collection.update_one({'name': 'Meercat'}, {'$set': {"weight": 2}})
<mongita.results.UpdateResult object at 00000000000>
>>> mongoose_collection.find({'weight': {'$gt': 1}})
<mongita.cursor.Cursor object at 00000000000>
>>> list(mongoose_collection.find({'weight': {'$gt': 1}}))
[{'_id': 'a1b2c3d4e5f6', 'name': 'Meercat', 'does_not_eat': 'Snakes', 'weight': 2}]
>>> mongoose_collection.delete_one({'name': 'Meercat'})
<mongita.results.DeleteResult object at 00000000000>
Abstraction and validation of inserted data in mongodb
from licenseware import mongodata
from licenseware import mongodata as m
Available functions:
- get_collection
- insert
- fetch
- update
- delete
- aggregate
- delete
- delete_collection
- document_count
Needs the following environment variables:
For pagination make sure to include the special field `__pagination__` on `match` parameter like bellow:
results = mongodata.fetch(
"__pagination__": {
"limit": 20,
"skip": 0
- `limit` - is the mongo limit;
- `skip` - is the mongo skip;
Start with `skip` value 0 and increase that value on each iteration.
If `__pagination__` is not found on match pagination will not be applied.
You can also use for pagination `limit` and `skip` paramters provided by the fetch function.
This would be the first iteration:
skip = 0
results = mongodata.fetch(
limit = 20,
skip = skip,
skip += len(results)
This would be the second iteration:
results = mongodata.fetch(
limit = 20,
skip = skip,
skip += len(results)
And the same is for the next iterations until `len(results)` is 0.
import os
import json
from typing import Union, Tuple, List, Dict
from uuid import UUID
from mongita import MongitaClientDisk
from mongita.collection import Collection
from bson.json_util import dumps
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from mongita.write_concern import WriteConcern
from mongita.read_concern import ReadConcern
from licenseware.utils.logger import log
from contextlib import contextmanager
def validate_data(schema, data):
Using Marshmallow schema class to validate data (dict or list of dicts)
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = schema().load(data)
if isinstance(data, list):
data = schema(many=True).load(data)
return data
def valid_uuid(uuid_string):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def valid_object_id(oid_string):
return True
return False
def parse_oid(oid):
if isinstance(oid, ObjectId):
return json.loads(dumps(oid))['$oid']
return oid
def parse_doc(doc):
if not isinstance(doc, dict):
return doc
if not "_id" in doc:
return doc
return dict(doc, **{"_id": parse_oid(doc["_id"])})
def parse_match(match):
# query_tuple - select only fields
# distinct_key - select distinct fields
categ = {
'_id': None,
'oid': None,
'uid': None,
'distinct_key': None,
'query_tuple': None,
'query': None
if isinstance(match, dict):
if '_id' in match:
if valid_object_id(match['_id']):
match['_id'] = ObjectId(match['_id'])
categ['query'] = match
elif isinstance(match, str):
if valid_uuid(match):
match = {"_id": match}
categ['uid'] = match
elif valid_object_id(match):
match = {"_id": ObjectId(match)}
categ['oid'] = match
categ['distinct_key'] = match
categ['_id'] = categ['uid'] or categ['oid']
elif (isinstance(match, tuple) or isinstance(match, list)) and len(match) == 2:
categ['query_tuple'] = match
raise ValueError("Can't parse match query")
return categ
def get_db_name(db_name):
if db_name:
return db_name
default_db = os.getenv("MONGO_DB_NAME") or os.getenv(
return default_db
def return_collection_name(collection):
if collection:
return collection
default_collection = os.getenv("MONGO_COLLECTION_NAME") or "Data"
return collection or default_collection
class Connect(object):
def get_connection():
yield MongitaClientDisk(host="./database")
def get_collection(collection, db_name=None):
Gets the collection on which mongo CRUD operations can be performed
default_db = os.getenv("MONGO_DB_NAME") or os.getenv(
default_collection = os.getenv("MONGO_COLLECTION_NAME") or "Data"
with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection:
collection = collection or default_collection
db_name = db_name or default_db
if not all([db_name, collection, mongo_connection]):
raise Exception("Can't create connection to mongo.")
collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection]
return collection
def insert(schema, collection, data, db_name=None):
Insert validated documents in database.
:schema - Marshmallow schema class used to validate `data`
:collection - collection name, schema name will be taken if not present
:data - data in dict or list of dicts format
:db_name - specify other db if needed, by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .env
returns a list of ids inserted in the database in the order they were added
# log.debug("Incoming data:")
# log.debug(data)
db_name = get_db_name(db_name)
collection_name = return_collection_name(collection)
with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection:
collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name]
# log.debug(collection)
if not isinstance(collection, Collection):
return collection
data = validate_data(schema, data)
# log.debug("Data saved to DB")
# log.debug(data)
if isinstance(data, dict):
_oid_inserted = collection.insert_one(data).inserted_id
inserted_id = parse_oid(_oid_inserted)
return [inserted_id]
if isinstance(data, list):
inserted_ids = collection.insert_many(data).inserted_ids
return [parse_oid(oid) for oid in inserted_ids]
raise Exception(f"Can't interpret validated data: {data}")
def get_sortli(sortdict: dict):
if sortdict is None: return
sortli = [
(field, ascdesc)
for field, ascdesc in sortdict.items()
return sortli
def fetch(match: Union[dict, Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, int]]], collection: str, as_list: bool = True, limit: int = None, skip: int = None,
sortby: Dict[str, int] = None, db_name: str = None):
Get data from mongo, based on match dict or string id.
:match - _id as string (will return a dict)
- mongo dict filter (will return a list of results)
- field_name as string (will return distinct values for that field)
:collection - collection name
:as_list - set as_list to false to get a generator
:db_name - specify other db if needed by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .env
# TODO - needs refatoring (to much going on)
pagination = None
if isinstance(match, dict):
pagination = match.pop("__pagination__", None)
match = parse_match(match)
sortbylist = get_sortli(sortby)
db_name = get_db_name(db_name)
collection_name = return_collection_name(collection)"MONGO_QUERY [{db_name}.{collection_name}]: {match}")
with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection:
collection: MongitaClientDisk = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name]
# log.debug(collection)
if not isinstance(collection, Collection):
return collection
if match['_id']:
found_docs = collection.find(match['_id']) if sortbylist is None else collection.find(match['_id']).sort(
doc = []
if found_docs: doc = list(found_docs)[0]
if match['oid']: doc = parse_doc(doc)
return doc
if match['distinct_key']:
found_docs = collection.distinct(match['distinct_key'])
elif match['query_tuple']:
if pagination:
if sortbylist is None:
found_docs = collection \
.find(*match['query_tuple']) \
.skip(pagination['skip']) \
found_docs = collection \
.find(*match['query_tuple']) \
.sort(sortbylist) \
.skip(pagination['skip']) \
elif limit is not None and skip is not None:
if sortbylist is None:
found_docs = collection \
.find(*match['query_tuple']) \
.skip(skip) \
found_docs = collection \
.find(*match['query_tuple']) \
.sort(sortbylist) \
.skip(skip) \
if sortbylist is None:
found_docs = collection.find(*match['query_tuple'])
found_docs = collection.find(*match['query_tuple']).sort(sortbylist)
if pagination:
if sortbylist is None:
found_docs = collection \
.find(match['query']) \
.skip(pagination['skip']) \
found_docs = collection \
.find(match['query']) \
.sort(sortbylist) \
.skip(pagination['skip']) \
elif limit is not None and skip is not None:
if sortbylist is None:
found_docs = collection \
.find(match['query']) \
.skip(skip) \
found_docs = collection \
.find(match['query']) \
.sort(sortbylist) \
.skip(skip) \
if sortbylist is None:
found_docs = collection.find(match['query'])
found_docs = collection.find(match['query']).sort(sortbylist)
if as_list:
return [parse_doc(doc) for doc in found_docs]
return (parse_doc(doc) for doc in found_docs)
def aggregate(pipeline, collection, as_list=True, db_name=None):
Fetch documents based on pipeline queries.
:pipeline - list of query stages
:collection - collection name
:as_list - set as_list to false to get a generator
:db_name - specify other db if needed by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .env
log.warning("aggregate not supported by mongita...")
return []
def _append_query(dict_: dict) -> dict:
Force append to mongo document
_id = dict_.pop("_id", None)
# log.warning(_id)
q = {'$set': {}, '$addToSet': {}}
for k in dict_:
# if isinstance(dict_[k], str):
# q['$set'].update({k: dict_[k]})
if isinstance(dict_[k], dict):
for key in dict_[k]:
key_ = ".".join([k, key]) # files.status
q['$set'].update({key_: dict_[k][key]})
elif isinstance(dict_[k], list) and dict_[k]:
q['$addToSet'].update({k: {}})
q['$addToSet'][k].update({"$each": dict_[k]})
q['$set'].update({k: dict_[k]})
if not q['$addToSet']:
del q['$addToSet']
if not q['$set']:
del q['$set']
# log_dict(q)
return q or dict_
def update(schema, match, new_data, collection, append=False, db_name=None):
Update documents based on match query.
:schema - Marshmallow schema class
:match - id as string or dict filter query
:new_data - data dict which needs to be updated
:collection - collection name
:append - if true will APPEND new data to existing fields, if false will SET new data to fields
:db_name - specify other db if needed by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .env
returns number of modified documents
# log.debug("Incoming data:")
# log.debug(new_data)
db_name = get_db_name(db_name)
collection_name = return_collection_name(collection)
with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection:
collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name]
match = parse_match(match)
match = match['query'] or match['_id']
if not match:
match = match['_id'] = match['distinct_key']
new_data = validate_data(schema, new_data)
# log.debug("Data saved to DB")
# log.debug(new_data)
_filter = {"_id": match["_id"]} if "_id" in match else match"MONGO_QUERY [{db_name}.{collection_name}]: {_filter}")
# Mongita doesn't have update
matched_data = collection.find_one(filter=_filter)
new_full_data = {**matched_data, **new_data} if matched_data else new_data
updated_docs_nbr = collection.replace_one(
return updated_docs_nbr
def delete(match, collection, db_name=None):
Delete documents based on match query.
:match - id as string or dict filter query,
:collection - collection name
:db_name - specify other db if needed by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .env
returns number of deleted documents
db_name = get_db_name(db_name)
collection_name = return_collection_name(collection)"MONGO_QUERY [{db_name}.{collection_name}]: {match}")
with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection:
collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name]
match = parse_match(match)
if not isinstance(collection, Collection):
return collection
deleted_docs_nbr = collection.delete_many(
filter=match['query'] or match['_id'],
return deleted_docs_nbr
def delete_collection(collection, db_name=None):
Delete a collection from the database.
db_name = get_db_name(db_name)
collection_name = return_collection_name(collection)
with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection:
collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name]
if not isinstance(collection, Collection):
return collection
res = collection.drop()
return 1 if res is None else 0
def distinct(match, key, collection, db_name=None):
db_name = get_db_name(db_name)
collection_name = return_collection_name(collection)
with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection:
collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name]
return collection.distinct(key, match)
def document_count(match, collection, db_name=None):
Delete a collection from the database.
db_name = get_db_name(db_name)
collection_name = return_collection_name(collection)
with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection:
collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name]
if not isinstance(collection, Collection):
return collection
return collection.count_documents(filter=match)
# These are just mock funcs for mongita (not used yet)
def create_timeseries_collection(collection_name: str, db_name: str=None, timeseries_config: dict=None):
db_name = get_db_name(db_name=db_name)
with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection:
db_conn = mongo_connection[db_name]
)"Successfully created collection {collection_name}.")
except Exception as err:
if "already exists" in err._message:"Collection {collection_name} already exists, skipping.")
log.error(f"Could not create collection {collection_name}")
def create_collection(collection_name: str, db_name: str=None, timeseries_config: dict=None):
# TODO generalize this overall for mongo dbs and collections to add indexes and any other config.
db_name = get_db_name(db_name=db_name)
if timeseries_config:
return create_timeseries_collection(
with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection:
db_conn = mongo_connection[db_name]
)"Successfully created collection {collection_name}.")
except Exception as err:
if "already exists" in err._message:"Collection {collection_name} already exists, skipping.")
log.error(f"Could not create collection {collection_name}")
def aggregate(pipeline, collection, as_list=True, db_name=None)
Fetch documents based on pipeline queries.
:pipeline - list of query stages :collection - collection name :as_list - set as_list to false to get a generator :db_name - specify other db if needed by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .env
Expand source code
def aggregate(pipeline, collection, as_list=True, db_name=None): """ Fetch documents based on pipeline queries. :pipeline - list of query stages :collection - collection name :as_list - set as_list to false to get a generator :db_name - specify other db if needed by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .env """ log.warning("aggregate not supported by mongita...") return []
def create_collection(collection_name: str, db_name: str = None, timeseries_config: dict = None)
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def create_collection(collection_name: str, db_name: str=None, timeseries_config: dict=None): # TODO generalize this overall for mongo dbs and collections to add indexes and any other config. db_name = get_db_name(db_name=db_name) if timeseries_config: return create_timeseries_collection( collection_name=collection_name, timeseries_config=timeseries_config, db_name=db_name ) with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection: db_conn = mongo_connection[db_name] try: db_conn.create_collection( name=collection_name, )"Successfully created collection {collection_name}.") except Exception as err: if "already exists" in err._message:"Collection {collection_name} already exists, skipping.") else: log.error(f"Could not create collection {collection_name}")
def create_timeseries_collection(collection_name: str, db_name: str = None, timeseries_config: dict = None)
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def create_timeseries_collection(collection_name: str, db_name: str=None, timeseries_config: dict=None): db_name = get_db_name(db_name=db_name) with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection: db_conn = mongo_connection[db_name] try: db_conn.create_collection( name=collection_name, timeseries=timeseries_config )"Successfully created collection {collection_name}.") except Exception as err: if "already exists" in err._message:"Collection {collection_name} already exists, skipping.") else: log.error(f"Could not create collection {collection_name}")
def delete(match, collection, db_name=None)
Delete documents based on match query.
:match - id as string or dict filter query,
:collection - collection name :db_name - specify other db if needed by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .envreturns number of deleted documents
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def delete(match, collection, db_name=None): """ Delete documents based on match query. :match - id as string or dict filter query, :collection - collection name :db_name - specify other db if needed by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .env returns number of deleted documents """ db_name = get_db_name(db_name) collection_name = return_collection_name(collection)"MONGO_QUERY [{db_name}.{collection_name}]: {match}") with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection: collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name] match = parse_match(match) if not isinstance(collection, Collection): return collection deleted_docs_nbr = collection.delete_many( filter=match['query'] or match['_id'], ).deleted_count return deleted_docs_nbr
def delete_collection(collection, db_name=None)
Delete a collection from the database.
Expand source code
def delete_collection(collection, db_name=None): """ Delete a collection from the database. """ db_name = get_db_name(db_name) collection_name = return_collection_name(collection) with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection: collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name] if not isinstance(collection, Collection): return collection res = collection.drop() return 1 if res is None else 0
def distinct(match, key, collection, db_name=None)
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def distinct(match, key, collection, db_name=None): db_name = get_db_name(db_name) collection_name = return_collection_name(collection) with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection: collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name] return collection.distinct(key, match)
def document_count(match, collection, db_name=None)
Delete a collection from the database.
Expand source code
def document_count(match, collection, db_name=None): """ Delete a collection from the database. """ db_name = get_db_name(db_name) collection_name = return_collection_name(collection) with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection: collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name] if not isinstance(collection, Collection): return collection return collection.count_documents(filter=match)
def fetch(match: Union[dict, Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, int]]], collection: str, as_list: bool = True, limit: int = None, skip: int = None, sortby: Dict[str, int] = None, db_name: str = None)
Get data from mongo, based on match dict or string id.
:match - _id as string (will return a dict) - mongo dict filter (will return a list of results) - field_name as string (will return distinct values for that field)
:collection - collection name :as_list - set as_list to false to get a generator :db_name - specify other db if needed by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .env
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def fetch(match: Union[dict, Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, int]]], collection: str, as_list: bool = True, limit: int = None, skip: int = None, sortby: Dict[str, int] = None, db_name: str = None): """ Get data from mongo, based on match dict or string id. :match - _id as string (will return a dict) - mongo dict filter (will return a list of results) - field_name as string (will return distinct values for that field) :collection - collection name :as_list - set as_list to false to get a generator :db_name - specify other db if needed by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .env """ # TODO - needs refatoring (to much going on) pagination = None if isinstance(match, dict): pagination = match.pop("__pagination__", None) match = parse_match(match) sortbylist = get_sortli(sortby) db_name = get_db_name(db_name) collection_name = return_collection_name(collection)"MONGO_QUERY [{db_name}.{collection_name}]: {match}") with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection: collection: MongitaClientDisk = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name] # log.debug(collection) if not isinstance(collection, Collection): return collection if match['_id']: found_docs = collection.find(match['_id']) if sortbylist is None else collection.find(match['_id']).sort( sortbylist) doc = [] if found_docs: doc = list(found_docs)[0] if match['oid']: doc = parse_doc(doc) return doc if match['distinct_key']: found_docs = collection.distinct(match['distinct_key']) elif match['query_tuple']: if pagination: if sortbylist is None: found_docs = collection \ .find(*match['query_tuple']) \ .skip(pagination['skip']) \ .limit(pagination['limit']) else: found_docs = collection \ .find(*match['query_tuple']) \ .sort(sortbylist) \ .skip(pagination['skip']) \ .limit(pagination['limit']) elif limit is not None and skip is not None: if sortbylist is None: found_docs = collection \ .find(*match['query_tuple']) \ .skip(skip) \ .limit(limit) else: found_docs = collection \ .find(*match['query_tuple']) \ .sort(sortbylist) \ .skip(skip) \ .limit(limit) else: if sortbylist is None: found_docs = collection.find(*match['query_tuple']) else: found_docs = collection.find(*match['query_tuple']).sort(sortbylist) else: if pagination: if sortbylist is None: found_docs = collection \ .find(match['query']) \ .skip(pagination['skip']) \ .limit(pagination['limit']) else: found_docs = collection \ .find(match['query']) \ .sort(sortbylist) \ .skip(pagination['skip']) \ .limit(pagination['limit']) elif limit is not None and skip is not None: if sortbylist is None: found_docs = collection \ .find(match['query']) \ .skip(skip) \ .limit(limit) else: found_docs = collection \ .find(match['query']) \ .sort(sortbylist) \ .skip(skip) \ .limit(limit) else: if sortbylist is None: found_docs = collection.find(match['query']) else: found_docs = collection.find(match['query']).sort(sortbylist) if as_list: return [parse_doc(doc) for doc in found_docs] return (parse_doc(doc) for doc in found_docs)
def get_collection(collection, db_name=None)
Gets the collection on which mongo CRUD operations can be performed
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def get_collection(collection, db_name=None): """ Gets the collection on which mongo CRUD operations can be performed """ default_db = os.getenv("MONGO_DB_NAME") or os.getenv( "MONGO_DATABASE_NAME") or "db" default_collection = os.getenv("MONGO_COLLECTION_NAME") or "Data" with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection: collection = collection or default_collection db_name = db_name or default_db if not all([db_name, collection, mongo_connection]): raise Exception("Can't create connection to mongo.") collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection] return collection
def get_db_name(db_name)
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def get_db_name(db_name): if db_name: return db_name default_db = os.getenv("MONGO_DB_NAME") or os.getenv( "MONGO_DATABASE_NAME") or "db" return default_db
def get_sortli(sortdict: dict)
Expand source code
def get_sortli(sortdict: dict): if sortdict is None: return sortli = [ (field, ascdesc) for field, ascdesc in sortdict.items() ] return sortli
def insert(schema, collection, data, db_name=None)
Insert validated documents in database.
:schema - Marshmallow schema class used to validate
:collection - collection name, schema name will be taken if not present :data - data in dict or list of dicts format :db_name - specify other db if needed, by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .envreturns a list of ids inserted in the database in the order they were added
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def insert(schema, collection, data, db_name=None): """ Insert validated documents in database. :schema - Marshmallow schema class used to validate `data` :collection - collection name, schema name will be taken if not present :data - data in dict or list of dicts format :db_name - specify other db if needed, by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .env returns a list of ids inserted in the database in the order they were added """ # log.debug("Incoming data:") # log.debug(data) db_name = get_db_name(db_name) collection_name = return_collection_name(collection) with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection: collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name] # log.debug(collection) if not isinstance(collection, Collection): return collection data = validate_data(schema, data) # log.debug("Data saved to DB") # log.debug(data) if isinstance(data, dict): _oid_inserted = collection.insert_one(data).inserted_id inserted_id = parse_oid(_oid_inserted) return [inserted_id] if isinstance(data, list): inserted_ids = collection.insert_many(data).inserted_ids return [parse_oid(oid) for oid in inserted_ids] raise Exception(f"Can't interpret validated data: {data}")
def parse_doc(doc)
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def parse_doc(doc): if not isinstance(doc, dict): return doc if not "_id" in doc: return doc return dict(doc, **{"_id": parse_oid(doc["_id"])})
def parse_match(match)
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def parse_match(match): # query_tuple - select only fields # distinct_key - select distinct fields categ = { '_id': None, 'oid': None, 'uid': None, 'distinct_key': None, 'query_tuple': None, 'query': None } if isinstance(match, dict): if '_id' in match: if valid_object_id(match['_id']): match['_id'] = ObjectId(match['_id']) categ['query'] = match elif isinstance(match, str): if valid_uuid(match): match = {"_id": match} categ['uid'] = match elif valid_object_id(match): match = {"_id": ObjectId(match)} categ['oid'] = match else: categ['distinct_key'] = match categ['_id'] = categ['uid'] or categ['oid'] elif (isinstance(match, tuple) or isinstance(match, list)) and len(match) == 2: categ['query_tuple'] = match else: raise ValueError("Can't parse match query") return categ
def parse_oid(oid)
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def parse_oid(oid): if isinstance(oid, ObjectId): return json.loads(dumps(oid))['$oid'] return oid
def return_collection_name(collection)
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def return_collection_name(collection): if collection: return collection default_collection = os.getenv("MONGO_COLLECTION_NAME") or "Data" return collection or default_collection
def update(schema, match, new_data, collection, append=False, db_name=None)
Update documents based on match query.
:schema - Marshmallow schema class :match - id as string or dict filter query :new_data - data dict which needs to be updated :collection - collection name :append - if true will APPEND new data to existing fields, if false will SET new data to fields
:db_name - specify other db if needed by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .envreturns number of modified documents
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def update(schema, match, new_data, collection, append=False, db_name=None): """ Update documents based on match query. :schema - Marshmallow schema class :match - id as string or dict filter query :new_data - data dict which needs to be updated :collection - collection name :append - if true will APPEND new data to existing fields, if false will SET new data to fields :db_name - specify other db if needed by default is MONGO_DATABASE_NAME from .env returns number of modified documents """ # log.debug("Incoming data:") # log.debug(new_data) db_name = get_db_name(db_name) collection_name = return_collection_name(collection) with Connect.get_connection() as mongo_connection: collection = mongo_connection[db_name][collection_name] match = parse_match(match) match = match['query'] or match['_id'] if not match: match = match['_id'] = match['distinct_key'] new_data = validate_data(schema, new_data) # log.debug("Data saved to DB") # log.debug(new_data) _filter = {"_id": match["_id"]} if "_id" in match else match"MONGO_QUERY [{db_name}.{collection_name}]: {_filter}") # Mongita doesn't have update matched_data = collection.find_one(filter=_filter) new_full_data = {**matched_data, **new_data} if matched_data else new_data updated_docs_nbr = collection.replace_one( filter=_filter, replacement=new_full_data ).modified_count return updated_docs_nbr
def valid_object_id(oid_string)
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def valid_object_id(oid_string): try: ObjectId(oid_string) return True except: return False
def valid_uuid(uuid_string)
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def valid_uuid(uuid_string): try: UUID(uuid_string) return True except ValueError: return False
def validate_data(schema, data)
Using Marshmallow schema class to validate data (dict or list of dicts)
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def validate_data(schema, data): """ Using Marshmallow schema class to validate data (dict or list of dicts) """ if isinstance(data, dict): data = schema().load(data) if isinstance(data, list): data = schema(many=True).load(data) return data
class Connect
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class Connect(object): @staticmethod @contextmanager def get_connection(): try: yield MongitaClientDisk(host="./database") finally: pass
Static methods
def get_connection()
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@staticmethod @contextmanager def get_connection(): try: yield MongitaClientDisk(host="./database") finally: pass