Module licenseware.mongodata.mongo_connection
Function collection()
is a context manager which can be used as folows:
from licensware.mongodata import collection
with collection("CollectionName", MarshmallowSchema, data) as col:
col.find({}) #any pymongo collection functions
will validate provided data
provided before inserting it in mongo
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Function `collection` is a context manager which can be used as folows:
from licensware.mongodata import collection
with collection("CollectionName", MarshmallowSchema, data) as col:
col.find({}) #any pymongo collection functions
`MarshmallowSchema` will validate provided `data` provided before inserting it in mongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
from marshmallow import Schema
from contextlib import contextmanager
from licenseware.common.constants import envs
def collection(collection_name:str, schema: Schema = None, data:any = None):
if schema and data:
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = schema().load(data)
if isinstance(data, list):
data = schema(many=True).load(data)
with MongoClient(envs.MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING) as conn:
col = conn[envs.MONGO_DATABASE_NAME][collection_name]
yield col
def collection(collection_name: str, schema: marshmallow.schema.Schema = None, data:
= None) -
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@contextmanager def collection(collection_name:str, schema: Schema = None, data:any = None): if schema and data: if isinstance(data, dict): data = schema().load(data) if isinstance(data, list): data = schema(many=True).load(data) with MongoClient(envs.MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING) as conn: col = conn[envs.MONGO_DATABASE_NAME][collection_name] try: yield col finally: conn.close()