Module licenseware.uploader_encryptor.uploader_encryptor
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import os
import re
import shutil
from typing import List, Dict
import pandas as pd
from licenseware.utils.aes import AESCipher
from licenseware.common.constants import envs
class UploaderEncryptor:
This class will use AES encryption algorithm to encrypt files given.
Each parameter receives either a simple string which will be encrypted or a regex string.
The regex string needs to be grouped:
Input: "/Collection-deviceName"
filepaths: ["Collection-(.+?)"] will return this: "/Collection-iGSS0a9GfPDJ24ni3vfmRSrPIYdY3kFj4-EsRjfz9E0="
filepaths = ["Collection-(.+?)", "DeviceName"] # this will encrypt the filepath including the filename
filecontent = ["ODBName(.+?)"] # encrypt text found with regex from file content (csv, txt, xml) replace all
columns = ["OS", "IP"] # encrypt the entire column data where the specified columns are found (csv, excel with multiple sheets)
encryption_password = "secret password" # the password that will be used for encrypting and decrypting data
You can also set password later with `set_password("password")`
from licenseware.uploader_encryptor import UploaderEncrytor
filepaths = [
ue = UploaderEncryptor(
filepaths=["deviceName", "database", "LMS_OPTIONS_(.*?).csv", "rl"],
filecontent=["Machine Name=(.+)", "System IP Address 1=(.+)"],
columns=["DB_NAME", "MACHINE_ID", "HOST_NAME", "INSTANCE_NAME", "Host", "Device"]
# Encrypt
encrypted_filepaths = ue.get_encrypted_filepaths(filepaths)
# Decrypt
decrypted_filepaths = ue.get_decrypted_filepaths(encrypted_filepaths)
def __init__(
filepaths: List[str] = None,
filecontent: List[str] = None,
columns: List[str] = None,
encryption_password: str = None
self.filepaths = filepaths or []
self.filecontent = filecontent or []
self.columns = columns or []
self.encryption_password = encryption_password or "password"
self.encryption_parameters = self.get_encryption_parameters()
self.start_tag = "#sc#"
self.end_tag = "#ec#" = None
def set_password(self, password: str):
self.encryption_password = password
def add_tags(self, value: str):
return self.start_tag + value + self.end_tag
def rem_tags(self, value: str):
no_tags_values = re.findall(re.compile(f"{self.start_tag}(.*?){self.end_tag}"), value)
return no_tags_values
def encrypt(self, value:str):
return self.add_tags(AESCipher(self.encryption_password).encrypt(str(value)))
def decrypt(self, encrypted_value:str):
if not isinstance(encrypted_value, str):
return encrypted_value
if encrypted_value.startswith(self.start_tag) and encrypted_value.endswith(self.end_tag):
encrypted_value = self.rem_tags(encrypted_value)[0]
if not encrypted_value.endswith("="):
encrypted_value = encrypted_value + "="
return AESCipher(self.encryption_password).decrypt(encrypted_value)
def get_encryption_parameters(self):
return dict(
filepaths = self.filepaths,
filecontent = self.filecontent,
columns = self.columns
def encrypt_filepath(self, filepath: str):
if is None: = {}
encfp = filepath
for regexpr in self.filepaths:
values_to_encrypt = set(re.findall(re.compile(regexpr), encfp))
for val in values_to_encrypt:
if val not in
encrypted = self.encrypt(val)
encfp = encfp.replace(val, encrypted)[val] = {
'regexpr': regexpr,
'not_encrypted': val,
'encrypted': encrypted
encfp = encfp.replace(val,[val]['encrypted'])
return encfp
def decrypt_filepath(self, filepath: str):
enc_values = re.findall(re.compile(f"{self.start_tag}(.*?){self.end_tag}"), filepath)
encdec = {}
for encval in enc_values:
encdec[self.add_tags(encval)] = self.decrypt(encval)
decfp = filepath
for enc, dec in encdec.items():
decfp = decfp.replace(enc, dec)
return decfp
def mirror_dirs(self, filepaths_dict: Dict[str, str], enctype: str) -> List[str]:
assert enctype in ["encrypt", "decrypt"]
processed_filepaths = []
for sourcepath, destinationpath in filepaths_dict.items():
dstdir = os.path.join(envs.FILE_UPLOAD_PATH, f"{enctype}ed")
dstpathli = [dstdir] + destinationpath.replace(envs.FILE_UPLOAD_PATH, "").split(os.path.sep)[1:]
dstpath = os.path.join(*dstpathli)
root_path = os.path.dirname(dstpath)
if not os.path.exists(root_path):
shutil.copy2(sourcepath, dstpath)
return processed_filepaths
def get_src_dst_files(self, filepaths: List[str], enctype: str):
assert enctype in ["encrypt", "decrypt"] = {}
encdecfunc = lambda fp: self.encrypt_filepath(fp) if enctype == "encrypt" else self.decrypt_filepath(fp)
filepaths_dict = {}
for fp in filepaths:
if not os.path.exists(fp): continue
filepaths_dict[fp] = encdecfunc(fp) = None
return filepaths_dict
def get_encrypted_filepaths(self, filepaths: List[str]):
encrypted_filepaths_dict = self.get_src_dst_files(filepaths, 'encrypt')
encrypted_filepaths_list = self.mirror_dirs(encrypted_filepaths_dict, 'encrypt')
return encrypted_filepaths_list
def get_decrypted_filepaths(self, filepaths: List[str]):
decrypted_filepaths_dict = self.get_src_dst_files(filepaths, 'decrypt')
decrypted_filepaths_list = self.mirror_dirs(decrypted_filepaths_dict, 'decrypt')
return decrypted_filepaths_list
def encrypt_non_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str):
with open(filepath, 'r', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f:
content =
to_encrypt_values = set()
for regexp in self.filecontent:
matches = re.findall(re.compile(regexp), content)
if not matches: continue
encryption_dict = {}
for tev in to_encrypt_values:
encryption_dict[tev] = self.encrypt(tev)
for val, encval in encryption_dict.items():
content = re.sub(val, encval, content)
with open(filepath, 'w', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f:
return content
def decrypt_non_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str):
with open(filepath, 'r', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f:
content =
enc_values = re.findall(re.compile(f"{self.start_tag}(.*?){self.end_tag}"), content)
encdec = {}
for encval in enc_values:
encdec[self.add_tags(encval)] = self.decrypt(encval)
for encval, val in encdec.items():
content = re.sub(encval, val, content)
with open(filepath, 'w', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f:
return content
def decrypt_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str):
decrypted_dfs = {}
excel = pd.ExcelFile(filepath)
for sheet_name in excel.sheet_names:
df = pd.read_excel(excel, sheet_name)
for col in self.columns:
if col not in df.columns: continue
decryption_dict = {}
for val in df[col].unique():
decryption_dict[val] = self.decrypt(val)
df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda cell: decryption_dict[cell] if cell in decryption_dict else cell)
decrypted_dfs[sheet_name] = df
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(filepath)
for name, df in decrypted_dfs.items():
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=name, index=False)
return filepath
def decrypt_csv_filecontent(self, filepath: str):
# TODO - handle big csv's
df = pd.read_csv(filepath)
for col in self.columns:
if col not in df.columns: continue
decryption_dict = {}
for val in df[col].unique():
decryption_dict[val] = self.decrypt(val)
df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda cell: decryption_dict[cell] if cell in decryption_dict else cell)
df.to_csv(filepath, index=False)
return filepath
def encrypt_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str):
encrypted_dfs = {}
excel = pd.ExcelFile(filepath)
for sheet_name in excel.sheet_names:
df = pd.read_excel(excel, sheet_name)
for col in self.columns:
if col not in df.columns: continue
encryption_dict = {}
for val in df[col].unique():
encryption_dict[val] = self.encrypt(val)
df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda cell: encryption_dict[cell] if cell in encryption_dict else cell)
encrypted_dfs[sheet_name] = df
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(filepath)
for name, df in encrypted_dfs.items():
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=name, index=False)
return filepath
def encrypt_csv_filecontent(self, filepath: str):
# TODO - handle big csv's
df = pd.read_csv(filepath)
for col in self.columns:
if col not in df.columns: continue
encryption_dict = {}
for val in df[col].unique():
encryption_dict[val] = self.encrypt(val)
df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda cell: encryption_dict[cell] if cell in encryption_dict else cell)
df.to_csv(filepath, index=False)
return filepath
def encrypt_filecontent(self, filepaths: List[str]):
for fp in filepaths:
if fp.endswith(('.txt', '.xml', '.csv', )):
elif fp.endswith(('.xls', '.xlsx', )) and self.columns:
elif fp.endswith('.csv') and self.columns:
return filepaths
def decrypt_filecontent(self, filepaths: List[str]):
for fp in filepaths:
if fp.endswith(('.txt', '.xml', '.csv', )):
elif fp.endswith('.csv') and self.columns:
elif fp.endswith(('.xls', '.xlsx', )) and self.columns:
return filepaths
class UploaderEncryptor (filepaths: List[str] = None, filecontent: List[str] = None, columns: List[str] = None, encryption_password: str = None)
This class will use AES encryption algorithm to encrypt files given. Each parameter receives either a simple string which will be encrypted or a regex string.
The regex string needs to be grouped: Ex:
Input: "/Collection-deviceName" filepaths: ["Collection-(.+?)"] will return this: "/Collection-iGSS0a9GfPDJ24ni3vfmRSrPIYdY3kFj4-EsRjfz9E0="
filepaths = ["Collection-(.+?)", "DeviceName"] # this will encrypt the filepath including the filename filecontent = ["ODBName(.+?)"] # encrypt text found with regex from file content (csv, txt, xml) replace all columns = ["OS", "IP"] # encrypt the entire column data where the specified columns are found (csv, excel with multiple sheets) encryption_password = "secret password" # the password that will be used for encrypting and decrypting data You can also set password later with
from licenseware.uploader_encryptor import UploaderEncrytor filepaths = [ "test_files/RVTools.xlsx", "test_files/LMS_OPTIONS_SECRET.csv", "test_files/cpuq.txt", "test_files/rl/deviceName_database_version.csv", "test_files/rl/deviceName_database_options.csv", "test_files/rl/deviceName_database_dba_feature.csv", ] ue = UploaderEncryptor( filepaths=["deviceName", "database", "LMS_OPTIONS_(.*?).csv", "rl"], filecontent=["Machine Name=(.+)", "System IP Address 1=(.+)"], columns=["DB_NAME", "MACHINE_ID", "HOST_NAME", "INSTANCE_NAME", "Host", "Device"] ) ue.set_password("password") # Encrypt encrypted_filepaths = ue.get_encrypted_filepaths(filepaths) # Decrypt decrypted_filepaths = ue.get_decrypted_filepaths(encrypted_filepaths)
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class UploaderEncryptor: """ This class will use AES encryption algorithm to encrypt files given. Each parameter receives either a simple string which will be encrypted or a regex string. The regex string needs to be grouped: Ex: ``` Input: "/Collection-deviceName" filepaths: ["Collection-(.+?)"] will return this: "/Collection-iGSS0a9GfPDJ24ni3vfmRSrPIYdY3kFj4-EsRjfz9E0=" ``` Params: filepaths = ["Collection-(.+?)", "DeviceName"] # this will encrypt the filepath including the filename filecontent = ["ODBName(.+?)"] # encrypt text found with regex from file content (csv, txt, xml) replace all columns = ["OS", "IP"] # encrypt the entire column data where the specified columns are found (csv, excel with multiple sheets) encryption_password = "secret password" # the password that will be used for encrypting and decrypting data You can also set password later with `set_password("password")` Usage: ```py from licenseware.uploader_encryptor import UploaderEncrytor filepaths = [ "test_files/RVTools.xlsx", "test_files/LMS_OPTIONS_SECRET.csv", "test_files/cpuq.txt", "test_files/rl/deviceName_database_version.csv", "test_files/rl/deviceName_database_options.csv", "test_files/rl/deviceName_database_dba_feature.csv", ] ue = UploaderEncryptor( filepaths=["deviceName", "database", "LMS_OPTIONS_(.*?).csv", "rl"], filecontent=["Machine Name=(.+)", "System IP Address 1=(.+)"], columns=["DB_NAME", "MACHINE_ID", "HOST_NAME", "INSTANCE_NAME", "Host", "Device"] ) ue.set_password("password") # Encrypt encrypted_filepaths = ue.get_encrypted_filepaths(filepaths) # Decrypt decrypted_filepaths = ue.get_decrypted_filepaths(encrypted_filepaths) ``` """ def __init__( self, filepaths: List[str] = None, filecontent: List[str] = None, columns: List[str] = None, encryption_password: str = None ): self.filepaths = filepaths or [] self.filecontent = filecontent or [] self.columns = columns or [] self.encryption_password = encryption_password or "password" self.encryption_parameters = self.get_encryption_parameters() self.start_tag = "#sc#" self.end_tag = "#ec#" = None def set_password(self, password: str): self.encryption_password = password def add_tags(self, value: str): return self.start_tag + value + self.end_tag def rem_tags(self, value: str): no_tags_values = re.findall(re.compile(f"{self.start_tag}(.*?){self.end_tag}"), value) return no_tags_values def encrypt(self, value:str): return self.add_tags(AESCipher(self.encryption_password).encrypt(str(value))) def decrypt(self, encrypted_value:str): if not isinstance(encrypted_value, str): return encrypted_value if encrypted_value.startswith(self.start_tag) and encrypted_value.endswith(self.end_tag): encrypted_value = self.rem_tags(encrypted_value)[0] if not encrypted_value.endswith("="): encrypted_value = encrypted_value + "=" return AESCipher(self.encryption_password).decrypt(encrypted_value) def get_encryption_parameters(self): return dict( filepaths = self.filepaths, filecontent = self.filecontent, columns = self.columns ) def encrypt_filepath(self, filepath: str): if is None: = {} encfp = filepath for regexpr in self.filepaths: values_to_encrypt = set(re.findall(re.compile(regexpr), encfp)) for val in values_to_encrypt: if val not in encrypted = self.encrypt(val) encfp = encfp.replace(val, encrypted)[val] = { 'regexpr': regexpr, 'not_encrypted': val, 'encrypted': encrypted } else: encfp = encfp.replace(val,[val]['encrypted']) return encfp def decrypt_filepath(self, filepath: str): enc_values = re.findall(re.compile(f"{self.start_tag}(.*?){self.end_tag}"), filepath) encdec = {} for encval in enc_values: encdec[self.add_tags(encval)] = self.decrypt(encval) decfp = filepath for enc, dec in encdec.items(): decfp = decfp.replace(enc, dec) return decfp def mirror_dirs(self, filepaths_dict: Dict[str, str], enctype: str) -> List[str]: assert enctype in ["encrypt", "decrypt"] processed_filepaths = [] for sourcepath, destinationpath in filepaths_dict.items(): dstdir = os.path.join(envs.FILE_UPLOAD_PATH, f"{enctype}ed") dstpathli = [dstdir] + destinationpath.replace(envs.FILE_UPLOAD_PATH, "").split(os.path.sep)[1:] dstpath = os.path.join(*dstpathli) root_path = os.path.dirname(dstpath) if not os.path.exists(root_path): os.makedirs(root_path) shutil.copy2(sourcepath, dstpath) processed_filepaths.append(dstpath) return processed_filepaths def get_src_dst_files(self, filepaths: List[str], enctype: str): assert enctype in ["encrypt", "decrypt"] = {} encdecfunc = lambda fp: self.encrypt_filepath(fp) if enctype == "encrypt" else self.decrypt_filepath(fp) filepaths_dict = {} for fp in filepaths: if not os.path.exists(fp): continue filepaths_dict[fp] = encdecfunc(fp) = None return filepaths_dict def get_encrypted_filepaths(self, filepaths: List[str]): encrypted_filepaths_dict = self.get_src_dst_files(filepaths, 'encrypt') encrypted_filepaths_list = self.mirror_dirs(encrypted_filepaths_dict, 'encrypt') self.encrypt_filecontent(encrypted_filepaths_list) return encrypted_filepaths_list def get_decrypted_filepaths(self, filepaths: List[str]): decrypted_filepaths_dict = self.get_src_dst_files(filepaths, 'decrypt') decrypted_filepaths_list = self.mirror_dirs(decrypted_filepaths_dict, 'decrypt') self.decrypt_filecontent(decrypted_filepaths_list) return decrypted_filepaths_list def encrypt_non_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str): with open(filepath, 'r', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: content = to_encrypt_values = set() for regexp in self.filecontent: matches = re.findall(re.compile(regexp), content) if not matches: continue to_encrypt_values.add(*matches) encryption_dict = {} for tev in to_encrypt_values: encryption_dict[tev] = self.encrypt(tev) for val, encval in encryption_dict.items(): content = re.sub(val, encval, content) with open(filepath, 'w', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: f.write(content) return content def decrypt_non_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str): with open(filepath, 'r', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: content = enc_values = re.findall(re.compile(f"{self.start_tag}(.*?){self.end_tag}"), content) encdec = {} for encval in enc_values: encdec[self.add_tags(encval)] = self.decrypt(encval) for encval, val in encdec.items(): content = re.sub(encval, val, content) with open(filepath, 'w', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: f.write(content) return content def decrypt_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str): decrypted_dfs = {} excel = pd.ExcelFile(filepath) for sheet_name in excel.sheet_names: df = pd.read_excel(excel, sheet_name) for col in self.columns: if col not in df.columns: continue decryption_dict = {} for val in df[col].unique(): decryption_dict[val] = self.decrypt(val) df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda cell: decryption_dict[cell] if cell in decryption_dict else cell) decrypted_dfs[sheet_name] = df writer = pd.ExcelWriter(filepath) for name, df in decrypted_dfs.items(): df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=name, index=False) writer.close() return filepath def decrypt_csv_filecontent(self, filepath: str): # TODO - handle big csv's df = pd.read_csv(filepath) for col in self.columns: if col not in df.columns: continue decryption_dict = {} for val in df[col].unique(): decryption_dict[val] = self.decrypt(val) df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda cell: decryption_dict[cell] if cell in decryption_dict else cell) df.to_csv(filepath, index=False) return filepath def encrypt_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str): encrypted_dfs = {} excel = pd.ExcelFile(filepath) for sheet_name in excel.sheet_names: df = pd.read_excel(excel, sheet_name) for col in self.columns: if col not in df.columns: continue encryption_dict = {} for val in df[col].unique(): encryption_dict[val] = self.encrypt(val) df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda cell: encryption_dict[cell] if cell in encryption_dict else cell) encrypted_dfs[sheet_name] = df writer = pd.ExcelWriter(filepath) for name, df in encrypted_dfs.items(): df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=name, index=False) writer.close() return filepath def encrypt_csv_filecontent(self, filepath: str): # TODO - handle big csv's df = pd.read_csv(filepath) for col in self.columns: if col not in df.columns: continue encryption_dict = {} for val in df[col].unique(): encryption_dict[val] = self.encrypt(val) df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda cell: encryption_dict[cell] if cell in encryption_dict else cell) df.to_csv(filepath, index=False) return filepath def encrypt_filecontent(self, filepaths: List[str]): for fp in filepaths: if fp.endswith(('.txt', '.xml', '.csv', )): self.encrypt_non_excel_filecontent(fp) elif fp.endswith(('.xls', '.xlsx', )) and self.columns: self.encrypt_excel_filecontent(fp) elif fp.endswith('.csv') and self.columns: self.encrypt_csv_filecontent(fp) return filepaths def decrypt_filecontent(self, filepaths: List[str]): for fp in filepaths: if fp.endswith(('.txt', '.xml', '.csv', )): self.decrypt_non_excel_filecontent(fp) elif fp.endswith('.csv') and self.columns: self.decrypt_csv_filecontent(fp) elif fp.endswith(('.xls', '.xlsx', )) and self.columns: self.decrypt_excel_filecontent(fp) return filepaths
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def add_tags(self, value: str): return self.start_tag + value + self.end_tag
def decrypt(self, encrypted_value: str)
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def decrypt(self, encrypted_value:str): if not isinstance(encrypted_value, str): return encrypted_value if encrypted_value.startswith(self.start_tag) and encrypted_value.endswith(self.end_tag): encrypted_value = self.rem_tags(encrypted_value)[0] if not encrypted_value.endswith("="): encrypted_value = encrypted_value + "=" return AESCipher(self.encryption_password).decrypt(encrypted_value)
def decrypt_csv_filecontent(self, filepath: str)
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def decrypt_csv_filecontent(self, filepath: str): # TODO - handle big csv's df = pd.read_csv(filepath) for col in self.columns: if col not in df.columns: continue decryption_dict = {} for val in df[col].unique(): decryption_dict[val] = self.decrypt(val) df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda cell: decryption_dict[cell] if cell in decryption_dict else cell) df.to_csv(filepath, index=False) return filepath
def decrypt_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str)
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def decrypt_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str): decrypted_dfs = {} excel = pd.ExcelFile(filepath) for sheet_name in excel.sheet_names: df = pd.read_excel(excel, sheet_name) for col in self.columns: if col not in df.columns: continue decryption_dict = {} for val in df[col].unique(): decryption_dict[val] = self.decrypt(val) df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda cell: decryption_dict[cell] if cell in decryption_dict else cell) decrypted_dfs[sheet_name] = df writer = pd.ExcelWriter(filepath) for name, df in decrypted_dfs.items(): df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=name, index=False) writer.close() return filepath
def decrypt_filecontent(self, filepaths: List[str])
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def decrypt_filecontent(self, filepaths: List[str]): for fp in filepaths: if fp.endswith(('.txt', '.xml', '.csv', )): self.decrypt_non_excel_filecontent(fp) elif fp.endswith('.csv') and self.columns: self.decrypt_csv_filecontent(fp) elif fp.endswith(('.xls', '.xlsx', )) and self.columns: self.decrypt_excel_filecontent(fp) return filepaths
def decrypt_filepath(self, filepath: str)
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def decrypt_filepath(self, filepath: str): enc_values = re.findall(re.compile(f"{self.start_tag}(.*?){self.end_tag}"), filepath) encdec = {} for encval in enc_values: encdec[self.add_tags(encval)] = self.decrypt(encval) decfp = filepath for enc, dec in encdec.items(): decfp = decfp.replace(enc, dec) return decfp
def decrypt_non_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str)
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def decrypt_non_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str): with open(filepath, 'r', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: content = enc_values = re.findall(re.compile(f"{self.start_tag}(.*?){self.end_tag}"), content) encdec = {} for encval in enc_values: encdec[self.add_tags(encval)] = self.decrypt(encval) for encval, val in encdec.items(): content = re.sub(encval, val, content) with open(filepath, 'w', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: f.write(content) return content
def encrypt(self, value: str)
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def encrypt(self, value:str): return self.add_tags(AESCipher(self.encryption_password).encrypt(str(value)))
def encrypt_csv_filecontent(self, filepath: str)
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def encrypt_csv_filecontent(self, filepath: str): # TODO - handle big csv's df = pd.read_csv(filepath) for col in self.columns: if col not in df.columns: continue encryption_dict = {} for val in df[col].unique(): encryption_dict[val] = self.encrypt(val) df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda cell: encryption_dict[cell] if cell in encryption_dict else cell) df.to_csv(filepath, index=False) return filepath
def encrypt_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str)
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def encrypt_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str): encrypted_dfs = {} excel = pd.ExcelFile(filepath) for sheet_name in excel.sheet_names: df = pd.read_excel(excel, sheet_name) for col in self.columns: if col not in df.columns: continue encryption_dict = {} for val in df[col].unique(): encryption_dict[val] = self.encrypt(val) df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda cell: encryption_dict[cell] if cell in encryption_dict else cell) encrypted_dfs[sheet_name] = df writer = pd.ExcelWriter(filepath) for name, df in encrypted_dfs.items(): df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=name, index=False) writer.close() return filepath
def encrypt_filecontent(self, filepaths: List[str])
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def encrypt_filecontent(self, filepaths: List[str]): for fp in filepaths: if fp.endswith(('.txt', '.xml', '.csv', )): self.encrypt_non_excel_filecontent(fp) elif fp.endswith(('.xls', '.xlsx', )) and self.columns: self.encrypt_excel_filecontent(fp) elif fp.endswith('.csv') and self.columns: self.encrypt_csv_filecontent(fp) return filepaths
def encrypt_filepath(self, filepath: str)
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def encrypt_filepath(self, filepath: str): if is None: = {} encfp = filepath for regexpr in self.filepaths: values_to_encrypt = set(re.findall(re.compile(regexpr), encfp)) for val in values_to_encrypt: if val not in encrypted = self.encrypt(val) encfp = encfp.replace(val, encrypted)[val] = { 'regexpr': regexpr, 'not_encrypted': val, 'encrypted': encrypted } else: encfp = encfp.replace(val,[val]['encrypted']) return encfp
def encrypt_non_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str)
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def encrypt_non_excel_filecontent(self, filepath: str): with open(filepath, 'r', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: content = to_encrypt_values = set() for regexp in self.filecontent: matches = re.findall(re.compile(regexp), content) if not matches: continue to_encrypt_values.add(*matches) encryption_dict = {} for tev in to_encrypt_values: encryption_dict[tev] = self.encrypt(tev) for val, encval in encryption_dict.items(): content = re.sub(val, encval, content) with open(filepath, 'w', encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: f.write(content) return content
def get_decrypted_filepaths(self, filepaths: List[str])
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def get_decrypted_filepaths(self, filepaths: List[str]): decrypted_filepaths_dict = self.get_src_dst_files(filepaths, 'decrypt') decrypted_filepaths_list = self.mirror_dirs(decrypted_filepaths_dict, 'decrypt') self.decrypt_filecontent(decrypted_filepaths_list) return decrypted_filepaths_list
def get_encrypted_filepaths(self, filepaths: List[str])
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def get_encrypted_filepaths(self, filepaths: List[str]): encrypted_filepaths_dict = self.get_src_dst_files(filepaths, 'encrypt') encrypted_filepaths_list = self.mirror_dirs(encrypted_filepaths_dict, 'encrypt') self.encrypt_filecontent(encrypted_filepaths_list) return encrypted_filepaths_list
def get_encryption_parameters(self)
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def get_encryption_parameters(self): return dict( filepaths = self.filepaths, filecontent = self.filecontent, columns = self.columns )
def get_src_dst_files(self, filepaths: List[str], enctype: str)
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def get_src_dst_files(self, filepaths: List[str], enctype: str): assert enctype in ["encrypt", "decrypt"] = {} encdecfunc = lambda fp: self.encrypt_filepath(fp) if enctype == "encrypt" else self.decrypt_filepath(fp) filepaths_dict = {} for fp in filepaths: if not os.path.exists(fp): continue filepaths_dict[fp] = encdecfunc(fp) = None return filepaths_dict
def mirror_dirs(self, filepaths_dict: Dict[str, str], enctype: str) ‑> List[str]
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def mirror_dirs(self, filepaths_dict: Dict[str, str], enctype: str) -> List[str]: assert enctype in ["encrypt", "decrypt"] processed_filepaths = [] for sourcepath, destinationpath in filepaths_dict.items(): dstdir = os.path.join(envs.FILE_UPLOAD_PATH, f"{enctype}ed") dstpathli = [dstdir] + destinationpath.replace(envs.FILE_UPLOAD_PATH, "").split(os.path.sep)[1:] dstpath = os.path.join(*dstpathli) root_path = os.path.dirname(dstpath) if not os.path.exists(root_path): os.makedirs(root_path) shutil.copy2(sourcepath, dstpath) processed_filepaths.append(dstpath) return processed_filepaths
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def rem_tags(self, value: str): no_tags_values = re.findall(re.compile(f"{self.start_tag}(.*?){self.end_tag}"), value) return no_tags_values
def set_password(self, password: str)
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def set_password(self, password: str): self.encryption_password = password